Core Knowledge Sequence World History Grade 3


  • From area now called Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Norway)
  • Also called Norsemen, they were skilled sailors and shipbuilders.
  • Traders, and sometimes raiders of the European coast
  •  Eric the Red and Leif Ericson (Leif “the Lucky”)
  •  Earliest Europeans (long before Columbus) we know of to come to North America
  • Locate: Greenland, Canada, Newfoundland

The following collection of units was created by Colorado teachers participating in the 1999-2004 Colorado Unit Writing Project

Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho A Viking’s Life for Me    
Grade 3
Written by Sandra Skinner and Tricia Ewen
Come along on an adventure to see what life was like as a Viking! Learn about where the Vikings lived and where their adventures led them. Discover why the Vikings left their homeland and explored uncharted territory. Meet Eric the Red, an ill-tempered explorer, and his son, Leif Ericson. Find out who really discovered North America, hundreds of years before Columbus. Finally, unravel the mystery of the disappearance of Viking culture.
Be a Viking!
Grade 3              Written by Sara Laughlin and Telena Haneline
In this History/Geography unit students will experience the journeys and experiences of the Vikings by taking on the role of a Scandinavian Viking. Student Vikings learn the history, origin,myths and language of their Viking ancestors and put that information to use in a final “learning journey” report.

This program teaches students that the Vikings were a people who originated in Scandinavia; became adept at seafaring, warfare, and farming; and had a lasting impact on Europe. By the 900s, they had settled in such remote places as Iceland and Greenland, yet they were able to maintain ongoing communication with Europe through the trade ships that regularly plied the waters between them.

A simple introduction to where the Vikings came from, why they came to Britain and what we know about them. At the end of the PowerPoint, go on to look at the super photos that the British Museum have of Viking artifacts. Use them to stimulate discussion on what skills the Vikings had, the materials they used, whether they were really as bloodthirsty as we think etc!

 Explore a Viking Village (PBS)–video clips of a model of a Viking village letting you explore what it would have looked like.